Friday, October 31, 2008

Bajan business bad? Maybe!

Those who know me can say I am always up in arms when persons start dissing Bajans. For me, when you say Bajans lazy you saying I lazy, when they say Bajans indifferent, tiefing, etc, it's an attack on me. And I don't think I fall in that category. I am also the first to defend other Bajans.

However sometimes I am forced to question my position, because ever so often you have an experience that is so horrifyingly pitiful, you just want to throw in the towel and start painting all Bajans with the black brush.

So this morning I sitting at home waiting on a 'businessman' to visit me before I go to work. Agreed time is 7:30. At 7:40 I decide to give them a call. I understand things pop up, traffic, flat tyres, nuclear fallout, any number of things. But I hope that if you simply can't make it that you would call and say, 'ye boss, I int mekking it so you can go long to work instead o sitting playing with your ass'

.... But noooooooo, I had to call to find out. Needless to say I will be taking my money elsewhere. Why do some of us take such a relaxed approach to doing business??
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from Cable & Wireless

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, take ur business elsewhere. Some people have to understand that it is about providing a reliable service
