Monday, September 24, 2007

so my ex-wooman convince me to fill out this questionaire on

here is what they had to say

BajanHut, you're single because you don't want to settle

You, more than others, have a fairy tale fantasy of how things should be. Ever since you were a kid, you've probably dreamed of the perfect wedding, coming home to a white picket fence, dog, and 2.2 kids (how does that work, anyway?). When someone asks what you're looking for, you don't skip a beat: You're likely to have a handy checklist that details your perfect partner. Hair and eye color, height, religion, education, career, interests, the list goes on.

While it's great to have standards — Hey, you shouldn't have to settle, after all — there's one slight glitch in your master plan: No one has made the grade in real life — at least not yet. Next time you're out with someone, keep yourself from mentally checking that list, and give love — and others — a chance. That special someone who you've written off may be perfect for you after all...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Virgin Atlantic's Birdman

well it's that time again when perfectly sane people jump off a platform with all sorts of homemade contraptions in the hopes of doing a self powered flight. naturally, as humans were not designed to fly, the majority of them make a rather entertaining drop to the water below.

here are a couple pictures from the 2003 competition

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

200 students sent home .......

.... and as expected there is a cry from near and far.

All I can say on this is good job Mr. Farley. I find the 'in-thing' these days is to go against rules and regulations and then try to show how harmless it is.

"It's only 1 inch shorter, what's the big deal?"

Well the big deal is that the regulations set down state clearly that it cant be an inch shorter. Yes, I know some things in life need to be challenged from time to time but when you make illegal activity the norm, you are directly contributing to the continued slide in decency in the general community.

Ever realised that red lights at intersections are almost completely ignored? squatters are allowed to continue stealing the usage of other people's property? consumers continue to default on payments to the NHC? and then they shout out for 'the poor man'. is that supposed to make it ok?

all that rambling to say, Farley, good job. Hope other principals follow suit

...... wait, one thing I wish could happen is to throw a fine in the parents too.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

wow .. .that was refreshing

so i finally got back out to watch some rallying, and even better i marshalled as well. now i remember why i like it so much. didnt get to see Mark Higgins at all since i dceided to go strate to my post and miss out dark hole. did see the battered corolla on the wrecker tho. from all reports tho, he is really a driver and was easily beating the skin off our local boys. also wanna say congrats to my boy on his debut. ya did what i couldnt. you stuck with the dream through the years of disappointments and now you are where you want to be.

on a side note, i saw a snail out in the bushes the was absolutely huge ...

Friday, September 14, 2007

my grasp of the english language ...

... is not so hot, so now that i remember, let me take this time to warn all my thousands of readers and adoring fans, to worry not about any bad spelling and grammar. if you dont understand i say just ask me to clarify. i dont have time for using the spell checker on every post


no not the restaurant. i for one am not into overpriced 'fine dining'. i mean its friday, the end of the work week. tomorrow MCBI (Motoring Club of Barbados Inc) host the Plus Rally of the Sun and Stars. English based rally driver Mark Higgins is on the island to face up against our local boys in Dark Hole and Todds, and the grande finale at the Sir Garfield Sobers Gymnasium. Promises to be a trilla-load of fun. See u there!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Seth the SignMan & take over

so i was wondering for a couple days and i posed it to a couple people, if / when BSnT get swallow up, how does it effect Seth game-plan?? cause really and truly, the company he was seeking justice from will no longer exist. does he continue with the new entity as he did with BSnT? or does his whole campaign become null and void? i going roll it around in my mind some more and let ya know what i come up with

Monday Blues

yeh so another day down, couple thousand more to go. nothing exceptionally exciting happening today. found out what the 'BIG4' means. apparently pricewaterhouse, deloite, kpmg and ernst young is the places to b. if you int in those compaines then you int saying ... nothing at all. any way, another day another post. i feel surprisingly calm :)

oh yeh, thanx Raiser, Kerry and Keisha for stopping by. i promise its going to get more interesting as i get to know how this works.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

useless post ... i suspect there will be lots of these

so i am promising not to let the blog suffer the same demise as my website and online community. so i will be updating regularly with interesting news, photos and other misc. stuff. however not now. this simply serves to take up space in my otherwise new and uninteresting (so far) piece of cyber real estate.

p.s. anyone has pork left back from lunch, feel free to send piece over here

Saturday, September 8, 2007

i only 1/2 way agree with RPB

RPB this year stated that 'bajans cant see', but i think the real issue is their ability to differentiate between the colours. i not a medical professional, but my research proves it. just sit at any traffic light these days and you will notice that a lot of motorists are having trouble telling green amber and red apart. anyway, since RPB got the ball rolling, maybe we will have some program to deal with these problems with sit ... sorry sight


this is just a test blog and a hello to everyone. i am new to blogging but i just like to post random bits of stuff and impose my sick twisted opinions on everyone. hope to have some good discussions born out of this