Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Biggest Baddest Bumb***t Comic Strip outta B'dos

Ye so I want to large up a girl like Marisa on her return to Bdos after tormenting the artistic world over in where ever it was she was.

Watch her strip @

... Yes I purposely worded it like that :)
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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Injuries - knee slip out

Ever had an injury where you were in so much pain you wanted to do something extreme? My knee slip out of place yesterday, and even though this not the first time, yesterday I honestly wish I could cut off my leg. I almost took a painkiller after almost a year of not taking any form of medication as well. I was willing to do almost anything and throw away reason.

Anyway, it still hurting so I going and moan in front the tv

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Emergency button?

I int know if yall can see what happening here but what sense is it to have an shut off button you can't reach? Dude is convince he can reach it even tho he couldn't when I asked.

I guess it not too important

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