... it's the treatment of the legals in pursuit of the others.
I think I just now understanding what Gonsalves and Jhagdeo fretting about. It's not that we should be nice to illegals, it's the fact that some legit hard-working honest immigrants are at the receiving end of ill-treatment as authorities (and the average citizen at times) attempt to flush the country of illegal immigrants.
Well if this is indeed the case then, I agree but remember the old saying
In order to make omelettes, ya got to break some eggs.
Don't get me wrong, I certainly am not encouraging ill-treating anyone, but we all have to admit there is a serious issue here in Barbados that needs to be addressed. So there will be some inconvenience.
But thinking of it some more, what really can be done? How exactly do we go about tackling this? Stopping buses hardly sounds feasible. Raiding job sites? i don't know. What's tough about this is that as much as we want to solve this, it's some Bajans that upholding the underground movement, housing them in sub-standard conditions, employing them at sub-standard wages, pure exploitation. So its two sets of people we need to be targetting, the illegal non-nationals as well as those harbouring them.
what gets me about this issue is that when the PM of B'dos changed the immigration rules...he gave a time frame for these persons to regularise their status. Some folks are acting like he got up one morning and said "if ya illegal, leave!" I too am not advocating maltreatment of foreigners just because they are, but if you're here(or in any country for that matter) illegally then you should be make things right or GO TO FRANCE BACK HOME!