Thursday, January 7, 2010

Alexandra School

Am i the only person confused by this issue? is this truly rooted in a request by principal Jeff Broomes asking staff to verify their attendance at a Teachers Professional Day seminar or be marked absent?

if this is the case, and all i've heard so far points there, then it confirms all i've been saying for years. we continue to reward mediocrity, misbehaviour; and then we sit back and complain about the fall of society. if these are the examples being set to our children, how can we expect them to behave otherwise?

this is the same behaviour that permeates all aspects of civil service and is responsible for insane amounts of financial bleeding. it is almost embarassing to see the behaviour of this group.


  1. so did you confirm whether it was indeed about that past issue? and if what you say is true then i agree with you! we set these bad examples as adults and expect our kids to be angels.

  2. I was reading through some old articles and I cant see anything to suggest otherwise.
