Wednesday, September 19, 2007

200 students sent home .......

.... and as expected there is a cry from near and far.

All I can say on this is good job Mr. Farley. I find the 'in-thing' these days is to go against rules and regulations and then try to show how harmless it is.

"It's only 1 inch shorter, what's the big deal?"

Well the big deal is that the regulations set down state clearly that it cant be an inch shorter. Yes, I know some things in life need to be challenged from time to time but when you make illegal activity the norm, you are directly contributing to the continued slide in decency in the general community.

Ever realised that red lights at intersections are almost completely ignored? squatters are allowed to continue stealing the usage of other people's property? consumers continue to default on payments to the NHC? and then they shout out for 'the poor man'. is that supposed to make it ok?

all that rambling to say, Farley, good job. Hope other principals follow suit

...... wait, one thing I wish could happen is to throw a fine in the parents too.


  1. ummmm well said sir.
    i share your views. amazing, yes.
    if yah study everyting gine on in the world and bim doe...yah would mad..or get anti depressants.

  2. I disagree wholeheartedly with everything u just type there..

    u and that 'small island mentality'

    ps you know who this is..

    *potty mouth guy* lol

  3. *potty mouth guy*

    i am flatterred you gave the blog a lookup. Its not entirely surprising we disagree. Please visit again and keep the comments coming.

