Thursday, July 30, 2009

More shots

I am really beginning to enjoy this photography thing, and as I read more I
really get to understand all the things I was doing wrong. I could never
figure out how to get those sharp focal points with nice blurs as you move
away. Now they tell me it's aperture. And here is my first try and it worked

Friday, July 17, 2009

Posh peeps!

Int nuttin like people that fuhget where they come from. Not sure how long it'll take for my name to be licking up at the higher tiers but I'm sure they know before you do. I move off the animal (that's cool talk for I drove my van from the car park) today and the spool (equiv to a welded diff) caused the tyres to chirp on the asphalt (not to be confused with Jon King's assssssssphalt), and of course, it caused quite a stir amongst the open diff camry/legend/mazda6 drivers. One retorts 'I better get out the way' and in my mind I'm like 'puhlzzzzz', I didn't beg for an excuse when your crew was auditioning for 'monsters of cock vol 14' so back off.

Moral: he who is without sin cast the first stone.

What we deem important

Sometimes people ask me things and I wonder to myself, what the hell does this have to do with anything? For instance I was asked yesterday if I know X-girl, and my answer was no. The guy was like, but she works in your building and I said nope, never heard of her. He was about to ask again when I stopped him and asked where the convo was going. Turns out this 'bird' is supposed to be the hottest ting since the electric toaster. OOOOK. I certainly didn't give two hoots cause she didn't offer to pay my bills.

Another scenario, girl walks through the office and the cliques go on high alert. So they turn to me and ask me saing like 'wait you see that?' And I'm like what? I mean what the fuk dude??? If it makes your day to sit and whizzie whizzie then fine. I not going rain on your parade, but don't confuse my rass unless you going help me run some of my overdue reports. Schupes

I may be a bit dull at times, shit all the time because the mundane day to day activities which get people heart pumping do little for me, infact most people annoy me (I should probly see the shrink for this as well).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

SHOES OFFFFFF!!!!!! Flexxie 2009


I int know right, but this got me hook line and sinker. i LOVE this tune. but i int getting the support i thot. in fact, i havent found another soul who likes it (sorry man but it's the truth), but who cares right?

i will be jamming to this one in every fete

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Germinator

Phase 1 of Operation 'Feed the World' Complete. Now to see if I can get
these bad boys to maturity. Stay tuned. Who knows, eventually may trade in
the slacks and tie for a fork and a bag of 12-12-17-2 (lol, farmer's